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Amber Herold, 05/08/2012 11:48 AM

Install the Web Interface Advanced

Manual configuration instructions (Advanced User)

Note: You may skip this section if you configured your installation with the setup wizard at http://localhost/myamiweb/setup.

Copy config.php.template to config.php and edit the latter by adding these parameters:
"config.php" should be located in /var/www/html/myamiweb/ on CentOS and /srv/www/htdocs/myamiweb/ on SuSE.

  1. define site base path
    This should be changed if the myamiweb directory is located
    in a sub-directory of the Apache web directory.
    ex. myamiweb is in /var/www/html/applications/myamiweb/ then
    change to define('BASE_PATH',"applications/myamiweb");

  2. myamiweb login system
    // Browse to the administration tools in myamiweb prior to 
    // changing this to true to populate DB tables correctly.
    define('ENABLE_LOGIN', false);    

  3. Administrator email title and email address
    define('EMAIL_TITLE', 'The name of your institute');
    define('ADMIN_EMAIL', "");

  4. SMTP Server setup (not required but recommended):
    define('ENABLE_SMTP', false);
    define('SMTP_HOST', '');    //your smtp host

    1. When SMTP server requires authentication
      // --- Check this with your email administrator -- //
      // --- Set it to true if your SMTP server requires authentication -- //
      define('SMTP_AUTH', false);
      // --- If SMTP_AUTH is not required(SMTP_AUTH set to false, -- //
      // --- no need to fill in 'SMTP_USERNAME' & SMTP_PASSWORD -- //
      define('SMTP_USERNAME', "");
      define('SMTP_PASSWORD', "");

  5. Setup your MySQL database server parameters:
    define('DB_HOST', "");        // DB Host name
    define('DB_USER', "");        // DB User name
    define('DB_PASS', "");        // DB Password
    define('DB_LEGINON', "");    // Leginon database name
    define('DB_PROJECT', "");    // Project database name

  6. Enable Image Cache
    If you want to use caching function for faster image loading time in image viewer, change 'ENABLE_CACHE' to true.
    You can change the 'CACHE_PATH' to other location, but make sure the apache user has write access to this folder.
    // --- Enable Image Cache --- //
    define('ENABLE_CACHE', true);
    // --- caching location --- //
    // --- please make sure the apache user has write access to this folder --- //
    define('CACHE_PATH', '/srv/www/cache/');
    define('CACHE_SCRIPT', WEB_ROOT.'/makejpg.php');

Additional parameters needed for Appion Installations only:

  1. Enable the processing plug-in by uncommenting out the following line in the file`myamiweb/config.php`

  2. IMAGIC and Other features:
    // Check if IMAGIC is installed and running, otherwise hide all functions
    define('HIDE_IMAGIC', false);
    // hide processing tools still under development.
    define('HIDE_FEATURE', true);

  3. Add processing host information
    Appion version 2.2 and later:
    The following code should be added and modified for each processing host available.
    $PROCESSING_HOSTS[] = array(
    'host' => '',    
    'nproc' => 32,  // number of processors available on the host, not used
    'nodesdef' => '4', // default number of nodes used by a refinement job
    'nodesmax' => '280', // maximum number of nodes a user may request for a refinement job
    'ppndef' => '32', // default number of processors per node used for a refinement job
    'ppnmax' => '32', // maximum number of processors per node a user may request for a refinement job
    'reconpn' => '16', // recons per node, not used 
    'walltimedef' => '48', // default wall time in hours that a job is allowed to run
    'walltimemax' => '240', // maximum hours in wall time a user may request for a job
    'cputimedef' => '1536', // default cpu time in hours a job is allowed to run (wall time x number of cpu's) 
    'cputimemax' => '10000', // maximum cpu time in hours a user may request for a job
    'memorymax' => '', // the maximum memory a job may use
    'appionbin' => 'bin/', // the path to the myami/appion/bin directory on this host
    'appionlibdir' => 'appion/', // the path to the myami/appion/appionlib directory on this host
    'baseoutdir' => 'appion', // the directory that processing output should be stored in
    'localhelperhost' => '', // a machine that has access to both the web server and the processing host file systems to copy data between the systems
    'dirsep' => '/', // the directory separator used by this host
    'wrapperpath' => '', // advanced option that enables more than one Appion installation on a single machine, contact us for info 
    'loginmethod' => 'SHAREDKEY', // Appion currently supports 'SHAREDKEY' or 'USERPASSWORD' 
    'loginusername' => '', // if this is not set, Appion uses the username provided by the user in the Appion Processing GUI
    'passphrase' => '', // if this is not set, Appion uses the password provided by the user in the Appion Processing GUI
    'publickey' => '', // set this if using 'SHAREDKEY'
    'privatekey' => 'rsa'      // set this if using 'SHAREDKEY'
    *Appion version 2.1 and prior:*
    // --- Please enter your processing host information associate with -- //
    // --- Maximum number of the processing nodes                                    -- //
    // --- $PROCESSING_HOSTS[] = array('host' => '', 'nproc' => 4); -- //
    // --- $PROCESSING_HOSTS[] = array('host' => '', 'nproc' => 8); -- //
    // $PROCESSING_HOSTS[] = array('host' => '', 'nproc' => );
    # Microscope spherical aberration constant
    Not needed for Appion version 2.2 and later. Version 2.1 and earlier only:
    $DEFAULTCS = "2.0";
    We will not include the cluster registration now. It is covered in the last part of this document.
    [[Install the Web Interface| Go back to Install the Web Interface]]

Updated by Amber Herold almost 13 years ago · 7 revisions