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Pick-Wei Lau, 05/17/2010 09:31 AM

OTR Volume


The orthogonal tilt reconstruction method is an approach to generating single-class volumes with no missing cone for ab initio reconstruction of asymmetric particles (Leschziner & Nogales, 2005). The method involves collecting data at +45° and −45° tilts and only requires that particles adopt a relatively large number of orientations on the grid. One tilted data set is used for alignment and classification and the other set—which provides views orthogonal to those in the first—is used for reconstruction, resulting in the absence of a missing cone.

OTR Processing in Appion:


  1. Run either Auto Align Tilt Pairs or Align and Edit Tilt Pairs
  2. Create two stacks: 1) Consist of only your first exposure particles and 2) Consist of only your second exposure particles
  3. Perform an alignment or classification run of your second-exposure particle stack

How to run OTR within Appion:

There are two general ways to run OTR, just like how one would run RCT

Updated by Pick-Wei Lau almost 15 years ago · 5 revisions