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Pick-Wei Lau, 05/17/2010 12:07 PM

Upload Particles

Users can upload particle picks from doing a manual picking session outside of appion using EMAN's boxer program.

How to upload particles:
  1. User has to make sure that the particle selection file (*.box) has the same name as the micrography the particles are picked from (e.g. if the name of the micrograph is test.mrc, make sure that the particle selection file is called
  2. Provide the full path to which the selection file(s) is located (Note: wild cards are accepted).
  3. Provide the diameter of the particle
  4. If the images from which the particles are picked are binned relative to the images in the database, then provide a the scale.

  1. The output of the particle selection will be visible under the "Particle Selection" menu

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Updated by Pick-Wei Lau almost 15 years ago · 2 revisions