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Pick-Wei Lau, 05/17/2010 12:32 PM

Upload Template

The user is able to upload 2D templates to be used in template-based particle picking or reference-based alignment.

To launch:

  1. The user prepares the template(s) in MRC format (user provides the entire file path with wild cards being accepted)
  2. The user inputs the diameter of the particle in Angstrom
  3. The user inputs the pixel size for the template(s)
  4. The user provides a brief description for the template(s)


  1. Once the template(s) is uploaded, it will appear viewable under "Upload Template".
  2. The templates(s) will be usable for template-based particle picking or reference-based alignment.

< Upload Particles | Upload Model >

Updated by Pick-Wei Lau almost 15 years ago · 2 revisions