



Use Cronus3 or Fly to view your web app

(Fly is a good choice since it is not a production server. You can create your own databases on Fly as well.)

  1. Open a terminal and go to your home directory: $ cd ~
  2. Create a directory called "ami_html" if it does not exist: $ mkdir ami_html/
  3. Change directories to ami_html: $ cd ami_html
  4. Create a symbolic link to the web app directory in your workspace: $ ln -s /home/[username]/amiworkspace/myami/myamiweb
  5. Try to browse to the project in a web browser ( http://cronus3/~username/myamiweb ). You should see an error because config.php failed to open. Keep reading "Create your config file" to fix this.

Updated by Amber Herold over 14 years ago ยท 1 revisions