



Version300 » History » Revision 4

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Amber Herold, 02/10/2014 12:14 PM


Appion Version 3.0 includes the following changes:

  1. CentOS 6 compatible - there are major changes to the web server and processing server to be compatible with newer versions of PHP and Python.
  2. New features for Director Detector images including [Direct_Detector_Frame_Processing|Frame Alignment]
  3. Added an automatic masking tool called EM Hole Finder. The EM Hole Finder software computes masks of carbon holes in electron micrographs and is available at
  4. Improved CTF reporting tools.
  5. Support for varaible cs values between TEM's
  6. Integrated contourpicker
  7. Helical refinement tools
  8. Added support for Automated common lines using angular reconstitution
  9. Added xmipp ctf estimation
  10. Incorporated John Rubinsteins Free-hand test scripts (Python only)
  11. Added SIMPLE abinitio alignment and reconstruction
  12. Newer version of ctffind3
  13. Support for GPU version of FindEM
  14. Added Multi-model SPARX/EMAN2 reconstruction
  15. Added support for the [Maskiton] image masking tool

Updated by Amber Herold about 11 years ago · 4 revisions