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Amber Herold, 05/21/2010 04:41 PM

What is Appion?

TODO: Need a description of what Appion is.

Appion is built upon Leginon architecture. If you have installed Leginon before, you will find that the same three parts of Leginon system installation also applies to Appion system. In fact, you will be performing a Leginon installation on your linux system during this Appion installation. If you want to run Leginon on the scope, follow the installation instructions found in the Leginon Manual.

The four parts act as :

  • Processing server- We provide either processing programs themselves or wrappers to processing packages used by 3DEM community.
  • Database server - Instruction for setting up is provided.
  • Web server - We provide php and java scripts you need to set up to serve as the graphical user interface to the command scripts.
  • File server - where the images and processed results such as volume data and processing logs are stored.
In addition, Appion also needs:
  • processing packages on the processing server are not distributed by us, obviously.

Fortunately, all 4 servers can run on the same machine. If you have many users, it is recommended that you separate the first three parts of the system into 3 computers. In such a case, you can divide the package requirement by the three server sides as well.

System Requirements >

Updated by Amber Herold almost 15 years ago · 7 revisions