Wrapper Testing » History » Version 6
Amber Herold, 08/25/2010 10:03 AM
1 | 1 | Amber Herold | h1. Wrapper Testing |
2 | |||
3 | 2 | Amber Herold | Issue #828 |
4 | |||
5 | 1 | Amber Herold | The following files contain a call to showOrSubmitCommand() or submitAppionJob(). These function calls need to be executed to verify the following: |
6 | |||
7 | 1. Commands using showOrSubmitCommand should pre-pend the Appion Wrapper Path defined in the config file when both Show Command and Run Command are selected by the user. |
8 | 2. Commands using submitAppionJob should pre-pend the path when Run Command is selected. |
9 | 3. Commands using submitAppionJob should NOT pre-pend the path when Just Show Command is selected. In this case, the user will need to manually modify the command prior to executing it to include the wrapper path. |
10 | |||
11 | 6 | Amber Herold | Appion wrapper path should look like: *"/opt/myamisnap/bin/appion prepFrealign.py --stackid=1337 --modelid=22 ..."* |
12 | 5 | Amber Herold | |
13 | 1 | Amber Herold | |
14 | 4 | Amber Herold | |_.Filename|_.uses new showOrSubmitCommand()|_.uses old submitAppionJob()|_.Show Command (pass/fail)|_.Submit Command (pass/fail)| |
15 | 1 | Amber Herold | |alignSubStack.php|X|||| |
16 | |applyJunkCutoff.php|X|||| |
17 | |bootstrappedAngularReconstitution.php|X|||| |
18 | |centerStack.php|X|||| |
19 | |coranSubStack.php|X|||| |
20 | |createmodel.php|X|||| |
21 | |createSyntheticDataset.php|X|||| |
22 | |emdb2density.php|X|||| |
23 | |imagicMSA.php|X|||| |
24 | |jumpSubStack.php|X|||| |
25 | |makegoodavg.php|X|||| |
26 | |multiReferenceAlignment.php|X|||| |
27 | |pdb2density.php|X|||| |
28 | |postproc.php|X|||| |
29 | 3 | Amber Herold | |prepareFrealign.php|X||pass|pass| |
30 | 1 | Amber Herold | |runAppionScript.php.template|X|||| |
31 | |runMaskMaker.php|X|||| |
32 | |runMaxLikeAlign.php|X|||| |
33 | |sortJunk.php|X|||| |
34 | |subStack.php|X|||| |
35 | |uploadFrealign.php|X|||| |
36 | |uploadmodel.php|X|||| |
37 | |uploadParticles.php|X|||| |
38 | |uploadrecon.php|X|||| |
39 | |uploadstack.php|X|||| |
40 | |uploadtemplate.php|X|||| |
41 | |uploadTemplateStack.php|X|||| |
42 | |uploadtomo.php|X|||| |
43 | |uploadXmippRecon.php|X|||| |
44 | |imagic3d0.php||X||| |
45 | |imagic3dRefine.php||X||| |
46 | |runAce2.php||X||| |
47 | |runAffinityProp.php||X||| |
48 | |runClusterCoran.php||X||| |
49 | |runCombineStacks.php||X||| |
50 | |runCoranClassify.php||X||| |
51 | |runCtfEstimate.php||X||| |
52 | 3 | Amber Herold | |runDogPicker.php||X|pass|pass| |
53 | 1 | Amber Herold | |runEdIterAlignment.php||X||| |
54 | |runEmanRefine2d.php||X||| |
55 | |runImgRejector.php||X||| |
56 | |runJpgMaker.php||X||| |
57 | |runKerDenSom.php||X||| |
58 | |runLoopAgain.php||X||| |
59 | |runMakeStack2.php||X||| |
60 | |runMaskMaker.php||X||| |
61 | |runOtrVolume.php||X||| |
62 | |runPyAce.php||X||| |
63 | |runRctVolume.php||X||| |
64 | |runRefBasedAlignment.php||X||| |
65 | |runRefBasedMaxlikeAlign.php||X||| |
66 | |runRotKerDenSom.php||X||| |
67 | |runSignature.php||X||| |
68 | |runSpiderNoRefAlignment.php||X||| |
69 | |runStackIntoPicks.php||X||| |
70 | |runSubTomogram.php||X||| |
71 | |runTemplateCorrelator.php||X||| |
72 | |runTiltAligner.php||X||| |
73 | |runTiltAutoAligner.php||X||| |
74 | |runTomoAligner.php||X||| |
75 | |runTomoAverage.php||X||| |
76 | |runTomoMaker.php||X||| |
77 | |runTopolAlign.php||X||| |
78 | |runUploadMaxLike.php||X||| |
79 | |uploadimage.php||X||| |