#!/usr/bin/env python
This is a collection of function that
replace the EMAN1 batchboxer program with
added features like helical boxing at an
import sys
import math
from pyami import mrc
from scipy import ndimage #rotation function
from appionlib import apImagicFile #write imagic stacks
from appionlib import apDisplay
from appionlib.apImage import imagefilter #image clipping
def getBoxStartPosition(imgdata,halfbox,partdata, shiftdata):
### xcoord is the upper left area corner of the particle box
start_x = int(round( shiftdata['scale']*(partdata['xcoord'] - shiftdata['shiftx']) - halfbox ))
start_y = int(round( shiftdata['scale']*(partdata['ycoord'] - shiftdata['shifty']) - halfbox ))
return start_x,start_y
def checkBoxInImage(imgdims,start_x,start_y,boxsize):
return ( (start_x > 0 and start_x+boxsize <= imgdims['x'])
and (start_y > 0 and start_y+boxsize <= imgdims['y']) )
def processParticleData(imgdata, boxsize, partdatas, shiftdata, boxfile, rotate=False):
for a list of partdicts from database, apply shift
to get a new list with x, y, angle information
replaces writeParticlesToBoxfile()
imgdims['x'] = imgdata['image'].shape[1]
imgdims['y'] = imgdata['image'].shape[0]
#imgdims = imgdata['camera']['dimension']
if rotate is True:
### with rotate we use a bigger boxsize
halfbox = int(1.5*boxsize/2)
halfbox = boxsize/2
parttree = []
boxedpartdatas = []
eliminated = 0
user = 0
noangle = 0
### normal single particle
f = open(boxfile, 'w')
for i in range(len(partdatas)):
if 'particle' in partdatas[i]:
partdata = partdatas[i]['particle']
partdata = partdatas[i]
### require particle with rotation
if rotate is True and partdata['angle'] is None:
noangle += 1
### xcoord is the upper left area corner of the particle box
start_x,start_y = getBoxStartPosition(imgdata,halfbox,partdata, shiftdata)
if checkBoxInImage(imgdims,start_x,start_y,boxsize):
partdict = {
'x_coord': start_x,
'y_coord': start_y,
'angle': partdata['angle'],
eliminated += 1
if eliminated > 0:
apDisplay.printMsg(str(eliminated)+" particle(s) eliminated because they were out of bounds")
if user > 0:
apDisplay.printMsg(str(user)+" particle(s) eliminated because they were 'user' labeled targets")
if noangle > 0:
apDisplay.printMsg(str(noangle)+" particle(s) eliminated because they had no rotation angle")
return parttree, boxedpartdatas
def boxer(imgfile, parttree, outstack, boxsize):
boxes the particles and saves them to a imagic file
imgarray = mrc.read(imgfile)
boxedparticles = boxerMemory(imgarray, parttree, boxsize)
apImagicFile.writeImagic(boxedparticles, outstack)
return True
def boxerMemory(imgarray, parttree, boxsize):
boxes the particles and returns them as a list of numpy arrays
boxedparticles = []
for partdict in parttree:
x1 = partdict['x_coord']
x2 = x1+boxsize
y1 = partdict['y_coord']
y2 = y1+boxsize
#numpy arrays are rows,cols --> y,x not x,y
#print x1,x2,y1,y2, imgarray.shape
boxpart = imgarray[y1:y2,x1:x2]
return boxedparticles
def boxerRotate(imgfile, parttree, outstack, boxsize):
boxes the particles with expanded size,
applies a rotation to particle,
reduces boxsize to requested size,
and saves them to a imagic file
# size needed is sqrt(2)*boxsize, using 1.5 to be extra safe
bigboxsize = int(math.ceil(1.5*boxsize))
imgarray = mrc.read(imgfile)
bigboxedparticles = boxerMemory(imgarray, parttree, bigboxsize)
boxedparticles = []
boxshape = (boxsize,boxsize)
apDisplay.printMsg("Rotating particles...")
for i in range(len(bigboxedparticles)):
if i % 10 == 0:
bigboxpart = bigboxedparticles[i]
partdict = parttree[i]
### add 90 degrees because database angle is from x-axis not y-axis
angle = partdict['angle']+90.0
rotatepart = ndimage.rotate(bigboxpart, angle=angle, reshape=False, order=1)
boxpart = imagefilter.frame_cut(rotatepart, boxshape)
apImagicFile.writeImagic(boxedparticles, outstack)
return True