Feature #2069
closedBug #2068: Resolve CTF problem effort by NRAMM local team
New CTF definition change need to be compatible with existing data
- Old data need to be visible in myamiweb page correctly.
- A dbschema-update script need to be written if old estimation need to be corrected with new program and still do it correctly. Otherwise, Appion need to detect them and use old programs to do it.
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Assignee changed from Anchi Cheng to Gabriel Lander
- Parent task set to #2068
Please confirm whether your problem that caused the Appion shutdown involved using old estimation on new correction or vice versa.
Updated by Gabriel Lander over 12 years ago
The shutdown was due to incorrect plots being created as output from CTFfind and ACE2 runs, as well as improper correction. The latest version of ACE2 appears to estimate the CTF properly, and the output graphs look ok.
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 12 years ago
- Assignee changed from Gabriel Lander to Amber Herold
r17161 is the dbschema update to make appion database with only old ctf estimation visible in the new display. This does not make them usable by the new correction programs. Will need some way to warn the users or prevent them from using the estimation.
Amber, I have applied this to our database. Please code review this and test on session 12apr05b and then assign it back to me to consider other needed database update.
Updated by Amber Herold over 12 years ago
Reviewed and tested r17161, and at least for 12apr05b, the 2d power spec overlay image shows up. I'll do some more testing on other sessions as well to see if there are any issues.
Updated by Amber Herold over 12 years ago
Everyone, this is a major issue that needs to be resolved before we can branch 3.0. The primary concern is that someone could do their CTF estimation with the old standard using 2.1 or 2.2, and then do CTF correction with the current trunk (or 3.0 if we released without fixing this).
Here is one possible plan:- Revert to using a negative angle in the trunk - installations that are not currently using the trunk are entirely unaffected moving forward, for those of us that are using the trunk,
- Write a DB update script to change the angles to old standard
- For Ace2 ctf-correction, if the difference in the astig angles are large the results could still be wrong. Add a warning to the CTF correction page for Ace2 that asks the user if they really want to use the estimation run.
Jim also suggested adding a column to the DB table that identifies which convention is being used for the estimation, then handling the angle appropriatly in the code.
Any other suggestions?
Also, Scott, Gabe and Neil, it would be helpful to know to what extent this compatibily issue is affecting your labs. It is a big deal for us since users here often switch between versions during processing of a single session.
Updated by Neil Voss over 12 years ago
Hi Amber,
Old versions of ACE2 gives an invalid astig angle, so there is no reason to convert them, you would have to re-run the program to get a valid angle. ACE1 does not do astig, and CTFFIND did not change.
The main issue is the conversion from negative underfocus to positive underfocus. I think we fixed this, fingers crossed.
All new estimates have several new columns, so we could use any of those to test if it is a new or old version.
Updated by Scott Stagg over 12 years ago
Amber, other than having incorrect CTF plots, this is not affecting my lab too much because we use ACE1 primarily. As I understand it, the current version puts the ACE1 calculated confidence values in the database, and doesn't change the sign of the ACE estimated defocus.
Updated by Amber Herold over 12 years ago
Thanks guys.
Scott, are you saying that the trunk code still adds the Ace1 values as negative underfocus values, while Ace2, ctffind and xmipp are inserting positive underfocus values?
I've been looking into what needs to be done for 3.0 to keep the positive underfocus convention in Appion. This is the plan.- In ctfdb.py, there are several places where the apCtfData is retrieved. Put this query into a function that will change the sign of the retrieved defocus values for each entry where the values in the new colums are all NULL.
- When getting the best defocus values for an image for doing ctf correction, add a check to ignore Ace2 runs from the older version. This is to avoid incorrect astig values. Another option here is to only ignore it if there is a large enough difference between the 2 angles to really affect the outcome. If I understand Anchi correctly, if the difference is small enough, it won't matter and it may not be worth re-running the estimation.
Updated by Scott Stagg over 12 years ago
To the best of my knowledge, ACE1 has always put positive defocus values in the database.
Updated by Amber Herold over 12 years ago
OK. I'm seeing your response to #2016 as well is along this line. So...I should NOT change the sign of the defocus values if they are from an older Ace1 run, only if it from an older ctffind or Ace2 run. Does this seem right?
But if the CS stays positive in Ace1, would we still have to flip something somewhere to make the results correct in Appion?
Updated by Neil Voss over 12 years ago
Well, we taking the absolute value in the code whenever we pull the CTF, so we don't really need a database update, it could help us distinguish the old values from new values in future.
Updated by Amber Herold over 12 years ago
Ok, I've sifted through the code to confirm if everything is using the absolute value of the defocus. It looks like much of it does. There are a few places that are not, but I'm not sure what effect these have on the final results or display.
First 2 questions:- I believe the def1 and def2 values are always either both positive or both negative and if not something is wrong. If this is true, I won't worry about things like sqrt(defocus1*defocus2) - which I think will barf if the answer is a complex number, and ctfDisplay.py, which only takes the absolute value if BOTH defocus1 and defocus2 are negative. Please confirm.
- Our code is often forcing the defocus value to be negative with things like
. Is this the correct thing to do? Why?
- non-absoluted defocus is used in apMatlab.py for ace correct command. I'm not sure if Ace is going to abs it or not.
- For makestack phase flipping, it looks like it is possible to send a non-absoluted defocus value to EMAN. This stems from the fact that getBestCtfValueForImage() in ctfdb.py is not taking the abs() of the defocus. Again, not sure how EMAN handles this.
If none of these matter, then in theory there should not be a backward compatibility issue, however in practice the issue has been observed, see #2101.
Perhaps the issue is that there are a couple of places that are currently not but should be using abs()? Or is it incorrect to use abs() in these instances?
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 12 years ago
My guess is that some ctf correction program like EMAN's applyctf only takes negative values. ctfit gui program they wrote have the user slide in positive number but the parameter output is negative. Empirically, I noticed that our defocus parameter sent to EMAN applyctf is always negative and with no astigmation. Here is an example:
[CTF run] method: ctffind | runname ctffindrun6 [CTF param] def1: 1.69e-06 | def2: 1.84e-06 | angle: -42.9 | ampcontr 0.07 | defratio 1.085 [CTF stats] conf_30-10: 0.744 | conf_5peak: 0.794 | res_0.8: 14.2A | res_0.5 14.2A [CTF stats] conf: 0.794 | conf_d: 0.590 ... phaseflipping entire micrograph with defocus -1.765 microns EMAN: applyctf /ami/archive/12/leginon/09sep03a/rawdata/09sep03a_00024ma_0.mrc /ami/data00/appion/09sep03a/stacks/stack8/09sep03a_024ma_0-ctfcorrect.dwn.mrc parm=-1.765459,200,1,0.070,0,17.4,9,1.53,120,2.0,2.169850 setparm flipphase
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 12 years ago
example of negative estimation in database
[CTF run] method: ctffind | runname ctffindrun4 [CTF param] def1: -1.68e-06 | def2: -1.84e-06 | angle: -43.1 | ampcontr 0.07 | defratio 1.094 [CTF stats] conf: None | conf_d: 0.495 ... phaseflipping entire micrograph with defocus -1.76 microns EMAN: applyctf /ami/archive/12/leginon/09sep03a/rawdata/09sep03a_00024ma_0.mrc /ami/data00/appion/09sep03atemp/stackstemp/stack10anchitest/09sep03a_024ma_0-ctfcorrect.dwn.mrc parm=-1.759523,200,1,0.070,0,17.4,9,1.53,120,2.0,2.169850 setparm flipphase
Updated by Neil Voss over 12 years ago
So, I think historically, ACE1 was positive, ACE2 was made to be negative, when CTFFIND was added to the pipeline it was positive, but flipped to conform to ACE2.
According to Ludtke's (http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/jmbi.2001.5133, page 7) 2001 paper, EMAN1 was changed to have underfocus be positive:
"In addition, we are now using the more common convention that the defocus is positive for underfocus."
So, I am surprised that it takes negative values.
Thanks for looking into this.
Updated by Amber Herold over 12 years ago
Anchi, the test results that you show above may not be accurate because we were printing out the last ctfvalues examined by the loop rather than the best values returned by the function. In my testing, I am finding that a command like this:
makestack2.py --single=start.hed --fromstackid=102 --invert --normalized --xmipp-normalize=4.5 --phaseflip --flip-type=emanpart --maskassess=manualrun4 --boxsize=240 --bin=2 --description="test positive defocus" --ctfmethod=ctffind --projectid=303 --preset=en --session=zz07jul25b --runname=stack104 --rundir=/ami/data00/appion/zz07jul25b/stacks/stack104 --no-rejects --no-wait --commit --limit=100 --continue --expid=8556 --jobtype=makestack2
will fail if the EMAN applyctf command actually uses a defocus value that is negative in the database.
[CTF run] method: ctffind | runname ctffindrun43 [CTF param] def1: -1.16e-06 | def2: -1.21e-06 | angle: -74.3 | ampcontr 0.07 | defratio 1.041 [CTF stats] conf: None | conf_d: 0.494 ---DEFOCUS in getDefocusAmpConstForImage----: 1.185594e-06 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/amber/workspace/myami/appion/bin/makestack2.py", line 1165, in <module> makeStack.run() File "/home/amber/workspace/myami/appion/appionlib/appionLoop2.py", line 70, in run results = self.loopProcessImage(imgdata) File "/home/amber/workspace/myami/appion/appionlib/appionLoop2.py", line 117, in loopProcessImage return self.processImage(imgdata) File "/home/amber/workspace/myami/appion/appionlib/apParticleExtractor.py", line 439, in processImage total_processed_particles = self.processParticles(imgdata,partdatas,shiftdata) File "/home/amber/workspace/myami/appion/bin/makestack2.py", line 76, in processParticles self.boxedpartdatas, self.imgstackfile, self.partmeantree = self.boxParticlesFromImage(imgdata,partdatas,shiftdata) File "/home/amber/workspace/myami/appion/bin/makestack2.py", line 324, in boxParticlesFromImage imgstackfile = self.phaseFlipParticles(imgdata, imgstackfile) File "/home/amber/workspace/myami/appion/bin/makestack2.py", line 468, in phaseFlipParticles self.checkDefocus(defocus, shortname) File "/home/amber/workspace/myami/appion/appionlib/apParticleExtractor.py", line 222, in checkDefocus apDisplay.printError("defocus is positive "+str(defocus)+" for image "+shortname) File "/home/amber/workspace/myami/appion/appionlib/apDisplay.py", line 57, in printError raise Exception, colorString("\n *** FATAL ERROR ***\n"+text+"\n\a","red") Exception: *** FATAL ERROR *** defocus is positive 1.185594 for image 07jul25b_013gr_05sq_013hl_03en
I'm planning to take the abs value of defocus in getDefocusAmpConstForImage() in apParticleExtractor.py (line 151) unless anyone objects.
Neil, Anchi is nearly positive that the command line for EMAN applyctf requires a negative defocus value.
Updated by Amber Herold over 12 years ago
Opps I mean it fails if the defocus value is negative in the database.
Updated by Amber Herold over 12 years ago
Neil, Scott, I've checked in a fix for eman applyctf, now there is one more place in the code where the defocus is passed on without taking the absolute value.
In apMatlab.py, runAceCorrect()
ctfvalues, conf = ctfdb.getBestCtfValueForImage(imgdict) ctdimname = imgname ctdimpath = os.path.join(params['rundir'],ctdimname) print "Corrected Image written to " + ctdimpath #pdb.set_trace() acecorrectcommand=("ctfcorrect1('%s', '%s', '%.32f', '%.32f', '%f', '%f', '%f');" % \ (imgpath, ctdimpath, ctfvalues['defocus1'], ctfvalues['defocus2'], ctfvalues['angle_astigmatism'], voltage, apix))
ctfdb.getBestCtfValueForImage() returns the ctfvalues as they appear in the DB and as you can see here, the defocus is used in the acecorrectcommand as-is.
I know there is some confusion over ace1 right now, but can anyone tell me what sign this command SHOULD have for underfocus images. Or will Ace just use an absolute value when it runs making the sign irrelevant?
Updated by Neil Voss over 12 years ago
I am pretty sure the above code is NOT used in the pipeline. We do not (nor have we ever consistently) use ACE1 to do image correction.
We should trace where and if the runAceCorrect() command is being called and probably remove it.
Updated by Amber Herold over 12 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to In Code Review
- Assignee changed from Amber Herold to Anchi Cheng
- Priority changed from Immediate to Urgent
Neil is correct that runAceCorrect() is not used in the code, so we should be OK. runAce() is used and while it prints out defocus values as negative, the defocus that is actually passed into the Ace program is positive. This issue is ready for code review and test.
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 9 years ago
- Status changed from In Code Review to Closed
Should be fine after all this time.