Bug #2870
closedlongboard/gammamyami viewer cannot view StorNext paths (or resolve symbolic links to those paths)
To mitigate a short-term storage crunch, I attempted to a) move data from the /gpfs/group/em/ path on Garibaldi to the /snfs/ward/ path (Ward lab StorNext share) and b) replace the data with symbolic links. It didn't work.
My test case for this is the session "13oct12d" in the "RHoffman - projects" project.
While troubleshooting this, Gabe Lander performed a useful diagnostic experiment. We think the following should display an image, one way or another.
Here's the URL to display a symbolic link:
And here's the URL to display the file that the link is pointing to:
Neither of those URLs 'work.' Either of these could get resolved to good effect. This would open the possibility of using StorNext during data crunches.
Updated by Ryan Hoffman over 10 years ago
Here's a link to the 'info' for the test image, after it was broken (Sargis wanted this info associated with the issue):
Updated by Sargis Dallakyan over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Fixed this. The problem was that the web user was not able to read /snfs/ward. After doing chmod o+rx now longboard/gammamyami viewer can display these files.