Bug #2870
closedlongboard/gammamyami viewer cannot view StorNext paths (or resolve symbolic links to those paths)
To mitigate a short-term storage crunch, I attempted to a) move data from the /gpfs/group/em/ path on Garibaldi to the /snfs/ward/ path (Ward lab StorNext share) and b) replace the data with symbolic links. It didn't work.
My test case for this is the session "13oct12d" in the "RHoffman - projects" project.
While troubleshooting this, Gabe Lander performed a useful diagnostic experiment. We think the following should display an image, one way or another.
Here's the URL to display a symbolic link:
And here's the URL to display the file that the link is pointing to:
Neither of those URLs 'work.' Either of these could get resolved to good effect. This would open the possibility of using StorNext during data crunches.