



Task #4346


support git for myami installation and upgrade

Added by Anchi Cheng over 8 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


Many things need to be changed.

The hardest is dbschema update which rely on incrementing numerical revision number

For now we can assume checkout revision is 20000. i.e. beyong frozen svn

Related issues 2 (0 open2 closed)

Related to Appion - Support #4136: Switch from svn to git ClosedSargis Dallakyan04/27/2016

Related to Leginon - Bug #4655: New instrument does not show up in client listClosedAnchi Cheng12/07/2016

Actions #1

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 8 years ago

  • Project changed from Leginon to Appion
  • Status changed from New to Assigned
  • Assignee changed from Anchi Cheng to Neil Voss

30ac218 adds the minimal requirement. with svn revision assumes 20000 so that current would work.

Neil: Please consider what you would do for docker.

Actions #2

Updated by Neil Voss over 8 years ago

Docker is fine. This is going to be an issue, I do miss the revision numbers. I guess, we could use git to check to see if a certain commit (e.g., 30ac218) has been applied.

Actions #3

Updated by Sargis Dallakyan over 8 years ago

Actions #4

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 8 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Neil Voss to Anchi Cheng
Actions #5

Updated by Gabriel Lander over 8 years ago

Not sure if I should start a new issue or add to this one, but "appionlib/StackClass" is not copied to the lib directory as part of the installation.

Actions #6

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 8 years ago

committed 0e91e55d for StackClass under Issue #4014

Actions #7

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 8 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Anchi Cheng to Neil Voss
  • Priority changed from Normal to Urgent


Can I assign this to you since you have some time now? We need a way to do this on the schema update. I can not find enough time to sort it out. I tried

git merge-base --is-ancestor 3af740e7 5cb057f7;echo $?

But this one gets back 1 in both direction. You are better at research this kind of things. I already have a dbschema change that need to be included, see #4655, but can not do it without a system. I can attach what I have so far if you like, but you might prefer a fresh start.

Actions #8

Updated by Neil Voss about 8 years ago

Yeah, I will take a look I knew this would be a problem.

Actions #9

Updated by Neil Voss about 8 years ago

Hi Anchi, I cannot get you command to work, but as I understand it, you want to check if commits commit:3af740e7 commit:5cb057f7 are present in the current branch.

Actions #10

Updated by Neil Voss about 8 years ago

If I understand I think this is the cleanest command line test

git branch -q --contains 3af740e7 5cb057f7 2> /dev/null; echo $?

return 0 if applied and 129 if not.

Actions #11

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 8 years ago

No, for finding out which dbschema need to be applied, we need to know if the current hash is at later date than the other. It is like having a version number. I would be happy enough if there is a push/commit date comparison to replace the number sorting mechanism in dbschema/

Actions #12

Updated by Neil Voss about 8 years ago

Yeah, I am just skipping the current hash check. You can apply hashes out of order via cherry-pick, so is-ancestor is not always going to work.

Also, that code did not work:

git checkout myami-2.0
Switched to branch 'myami-2.0'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/myami-2.0'.

git branch -q --contains 3af740e7 5cb057f7 2> /dev/null; echo $?

git checkout trunk
Switched to branch 'trunk'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/trunk'.

git branch -q --contains 3af740e7 5cb057f7 2> /dev/null; echo $?
Actions #13

Updated by Neil Voss about 8 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Neil Voss to Anchi Cheng

Anchi, I think we are going about this all wrong (in a subversion way). See discussion here:

I propose we use the git tag function to denote schema updates and then test for the tags. You can then check the current tags in the branch. It will save you from the bookkeeping that you use in the file

If we want to be lazy we can use the command:

git rev-list --count HEAD

to get the number of commits, which would essentially give the same number.

Actions #14

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 8 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Anchi Cheng to Neil Voss

Could you work on it in the new way ? I am quite swamped now.

Actions #15

Updated by Neil Voss about 8 years ago

Happy to do it, but I need some info on what the new schema changes are and what commit starts those changes, I assume commit:3af740e7

Or I could just create a sample case, where nothing in the database is changed.

Actions #16

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 8 years ago

Making an example would be a good ideal any way.

The one I need starts with the change in ecd31e30. If created the Issue #4655 and fixed in 661ad086. I need to set instrument before the fix to hidden=False.


Actions #17

Updated by Neil Voss about 8 years ago

Hi Anchi, I spent a good chunk of the day reading all of the code in the dbschema folder and it is quite difficult to follow. Frankly, I want to clean it up, because a lot of changes need to happen for git, but I need to know the use cases.

How to determine whether to update the database:

1. check the branch (using git branch | grep '\*' | cut -d' ' -f2-)

2. check last update number or code in the leginon database

3. for each available update in folder:
a. does update apply to current branch
b. is update newer than last update in database
c. perform update
d. log update to leginon database

Is it more complicated than this, are there special cases that this would miss.

Actions #18

Updated by Neil Voss about 8 years ago

  • Related to Bug #4655: New instrument does not show up in client list added
Actions #19

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 8 years ago

Here are more:

1. Determine if an update is required if appion is not used so that they don't need to be applied.
2. Back-track to reset revision for incremental update when the branch is switched. See getBranchResetRevision. It has not happened recently.
3. Most updates should not be repeated such as the change of signs of ctf astigmatism angle. See commitUpdate.
4. Others must be allowed to repeat because they were found too late in history and therefore newer update may have been committed to database. Or if a special situation arrive that it needs to be repaired again. For example, people failed to give right Cs to their scope in instruments.cfg to match database and repeatly adding new instrument that breaks the InstrumentData.
5. The order of update is important sometimes, in other words, there are dependencies.

Go ahead and rewrite but please make sure that it is usable for any upgrade from 3.0 and up. We just had a case with an upgrade starting from 2.1.

Actions #20

Updated by Neil Voss about 8 years ago

After some extensive reading about git, I outlined a method for the schema updates. It largely will follow the current system with a few changes: (1) use 'git tag' to denote commits that require a schema update and (2) create a new database table in projectdb that will keep track of when and what schema updates have been applied.

Now, that I have a system that I think will work, I am going to begin implementing it. A prototype should be ready by Friday and barring any major bugs should be ready for use this Monday.

Actions #21

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 8 years ago

Can you tag an older revision ? update is needed normally because of bug so that the revision has gone on.

Actions #22

Updated by Neil Voss about 8 years ago

Yes, I tagged some old revisions, so I knew where the old subversion revisions were

git tag r18417 a0aba4d909906084c30eb7327baeed7c42923bcb
git tag r19936 b6671a2c1

I plan to use this command to denote a commit that requires a schema update

git tag schema19721 <commit id>

This command will determine which tags are available in the current branch, this would not work if the schema commit is cherry-picked, it must be merged.

git tag --merged
Actions #23

Updated by Neil Voss about 8 years ago

Hi Anchi, do you have an SQL dump of an older Leginon/Appion database that needs upgrading. I want to test the new system.

Actions #24

Updated by Neil Voss about 8 years ago

Ran into a major bug 'git tag --merged' which determine which tags are available in the current branch is not available in git 1.7 that ships with CentOS, the latest version is git 2.11.1.

Actions #25

Updated by Neil Voss almost 8 years ago

I forgot to push the tags to the main repo using git push --tags so the schema update was not finding any tags it is working now.

To create a new schema, do the following steps:
  • create the python script to update the database
  • create a git tag (schema19470) to mark the commit id (c727825) with the python script, git tag -a schema19470 c727825
  • push the tag to the main git trunk git push --tags
Actions #26

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 7 years ago


Found today on a new installation of trunk the hidden field on InstrumentData does not exist. Fixed it in commit:850004f
Also noticed that install table in projectdb still has the old format on this new db.
The new db creates a situation that the dbschema update is required. There is always one row of data if
auto-installer is used. You can use that to test.

Actions #27

Updated by Neil Voss over 7 years ago

So, you want me to create a schema update to add the boolean field in InstrumentData at commit commit:850004f?

I know I originally wrote the auto-installer, but I have not used it in over 7 years. So, it reads from the XML file to get table values? I guess that is what the myamiweb/setup script would do too.

Actions #28

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 7 years ago

No, I am just giving you a way of generate an example broken db for testing. You said you wanted one.

Actions #29

Updated by Neil Voss over 7 years ago

Sorry for being so dense, if I create a new install and new database with the auto-installer it should be ready for a schema update.

Actions #30

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 7 years ago

I think so. I have not read your code how it should look like with a new install in the install table but database needs a place to log its current dbschema version.


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