Myami code diagram » History » Revision 1
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Amber Herold, 03/08/2010 11:53 PM
Myami code diagram¶
- Sinedon
- Generates queries.
- Uses Python to generate mysql
- Appion
- Core image processing code.
- Does not use numextension but does use radermacher
- Contains Ace2 objective C which replaces Matlab
- Mostly Python code.
- Leginon
- Microscope control
- Installed Application
- Includes a GUI
- This is the Python part of Leginon
- Imageviewer
- Should be moved into the leginon directory
- Contains Python code
- Pyscope
- Contains Python code
- Comarray
- C code
- Pyscope needs this in certain cases
- Myamiweb
- Used to be called dbem
- Contains Leginon and Appion web parts
- Includes the PHP part of Leginon
- The old “project” code has been migrated here and phased out.
- Phpami
- Contains PHP code
- Denis made these 3 include files separate so they would not be public.
- These files will eventually be moved to myamiweb and this folder will phase out.
- Php_mrc
- PHP extension to myamiweb to read mrc files
- Contains C code
- Numextension
- C Code wrapped in Python
- Implements canny edge detection
- Used extensively
- Radermacher
- C Code
- Could be merged with numextension or appion
- Libcv
- C Code
- Computer vision library
- Pyami
- Common Python libraries used by appion and leginon
- Image processing
- Randoms
Updated by Amber Herold almost 15 years ago · 1 revisions