

Rui Zhang

  • Login: zhangrui
  • Email:
  • Institution: Washington University in St. Louis
  • Registered on: 02/14/2013
  • Last connection: 01/24/2018


open closed Total
Assigned issues 3 1 4
Reported issues 0 0 0



12:00 PM Appion Bug #5389: failed helical pick upload
Hi, Neil,
Have you made any progress on that? :)
Neil Voss wrote:
> I did some work on helix related pi...
Rui Zhang


12:13 PM Leginon Appion: RE: upload helical picking from EMAN1/2 to Appion
BTW, this is the script I used to convert a bunch of helixboxer files into one appion particle list file.
Rui Zhang
11:58 AM Leginon Appion: RE: upload helical picking from EMAN1/2 to Appion
Hi, Anchi,
Thanks for the quick reply!
Please see my helixboxer file and appion particle list file in the attachm...
Rui Zhang


04:31 PM Leginon Appion: upload helical picking from EMAN1/2 to Appion
Dear Appion developers,
Is it possible to upload helical pick coordinates from EMAN helixboxer program to Appion?
Rui Zhang


11:36 AM Appion Bug #2651: downloadctf.php does not show new ctf confidence measurments
Hi, after SVN update to the latest version, the res0.5 and res0.8 columns show up. However, the values are all 0, cou... Rui Zhang


08:55 PM Leginon Appion: split big particle stack into parts
Hi, when generating particle stack, is there a way to split a big particle stack into several parts, so that I can pr... Rui Zhang


05:11 PM Appion Bug #2529: Trash does not Hide images from processing
Hi, I tried the latest myamiweb Revision: 17910.
I found if I "trash" an image and refresh the web page in Chrome, ...
Rui Zhang
10:52 AM Leginon Leginon: sum up movie frames before drift correction, and best way to visualize a K2 image
I have a dataset of k2 movie frames recorded at 0.2 sec per frame, and I feel the 0.2 sec is not long enough ...
Rui Zhang


05:29 PM Leginon Appion: RE: List per-particle CTF info
Thank you, Anchi!
In most cases, this "list per-particle CTF info" button will be used for a non-ctf-corrected stack.
Rui Zhang


10:43 PM Leginon Appion: List per-particle CTF info
Is there a way to specify a certain CTF run when "list per-particle CTF info" for FREALIGN?
Rui Zhang

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