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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Updated
5267 Leginon Feature Assigned Normal queuable tilted image data collection application Anchi Cheng Anchi Cheng 10/17/2017 08:01 PM Actions
5255 Leginon Bug New Normal testing of reference class moves to the reference target but does not move back. Anchi Cheng Anchi Cheng 10/07/2017 07:58 PM Actions
5246 Appion Task New Normal uploadRelion3dRefine dependencies Carl Negro 09/29/2017 02:03 PM Actions
5223 Leginon Task Assigned Normal migrate sinedon to be compatible with InnoDB sql engine Anchi Cheng Anchi Cheng 08/16/2018 03:09 PM Actions
5208 Appion Feature New Normal Add LDAP authentication middleware Carl Negro Carl Negro 12/29/2017 05:24 PM Actions
5207 Appion Feature In Test Normal Feature request: input session name Carl Negro Carl Negro 03/07/2018 06:54 PM Actions
5204 Appion Feature New Normal Implement bulk inserts Carl Negro Carl Negro 09/27/2017 10:22 AM Actions
5198 Appion Feature New Normal CentOS 7 AutoInstallation Sargis Dallakyan 07/16/2018 04:25 PM Actions
5187 Leginon Feature Assigned Normal DE64 implimentation Anchi Cheng Scott Stagg 09/01/2017 01:20 AM Actions
5185 Appion Bug In Code Review Normal Quickstack override flag doesn't exist Carl Negro Carl Negro 09/05/2017 05:28 PM Actions
5182 Leginon Feature New High Ability to check focus after every 5 or 10 deg tilts in MSI-Tomography and view tilt axis in leginon for MSI-Tomography Saikat Chowdhury Anchi Cheng 08/30/2017 07:25 PM Actions
5180 Appion Feature New Normal import RELION autopicked particles Gabriel Lander Gabriel Lander 11/13/2018 08:31 PM Actions
5170 Leginon Feature Assigned Normal adjust the number of tilt that are not fitted in tomography Anchi Cheng Anchi Cheng 08/25/2017 12:51 AM Actions
5158 Appion Feature Assigned Normal Implement equiphase averaging to CTF display tool Neil Voss Neil Voss 08/18/2017 01:50 PM Actions
5157 Appion Feature Assigned Normal Add support for DE cameras for motioncorr2 Scott Stagg Scott Stagg 08/21/2017 11:03 PM Actions
5152 Appion Bug In Test Normal quickstack files when all particles for an image are off the edge Neil Voss Carl Negro 08/16/2017 04:55 PM Actions
5151 Appion Feature Assigned Normal Add protomo to docker images Neil Voss Alex Noble 08/16/2017 02:33 PM Actions
5150 Appion Bug Assigned Normal pixel size is uploaded to database wrong in quickStack Neil Voss Neil Voss 08/16/2017 02:31 PM Actions
5145 Leginon Bug Assigned Normal make pyami appion independent Anchi Cheng Neil Voss 08/15/2017 12:25 PM Actions
5133 Appion Bug In Code Review Normal picks not centered Scott Stagg Anchi Cheng 08/07/2017 09:40 PM Actions
5078 Leginon Feature Assigned Normal basic TEM control through Leginon Anchi Cheng Anchi Cheng 01/30/2018 01:55 PM Actions
5074 Leginon Feature New Normal Saving the Image contrast for "hl'" preset images Venkata Dandey Anchi Cheng 07/10/2017 12:32 PM Actions
5058 Appion Bug New Normal want to re-run dose-weighted alignment on small subset of dataset Laura Yen 06/30/2017 01:35 PM Actions
5054 Appion Bug New Normal Frames transferred to bufferhost do not have correct permissions Carl Negro 06/27/2017 11:28 AM Actions
5029 Appion Bug Assigned Normal DE frame alignment script doesn't work for DE64 images Scott Stagg Scott Stagg 06/20/2017 01:22 PM Actions
(226-250/976) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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