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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Updated
4995 Appion Bug New Normal Mean Stack filter crash - "Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes" Carl Negro 05/31/2017 05:20 PM Actions
4994 Appion Bug Assigned Normal CTFdisplayTool error Gabriel Lander Scott Stagg 06/20/2017 03:32 PM Actions
4973 Appion Feature New Normal Upload Helios images to appion William Rice 02/20/2019 06:19 PM Actions
4972 Leginon Feature New Normal Feature request: Mag dependent energy shift calibration for GIF William Rice 07/23/2018 02:38 PM Actions
4952 Appion Bug In Test Normal Test CTF Display with phase plate, phase shift data from CTFFIND4 Neil Voss Rick Baker 11/01/2017 11:39 PM Actions
4938 Appion Bug New Normal ACE1 doesn't work with matlab 2015 Scott Stagg 04/28/2017 01:47 PM Actions
4932 Appion Feature Assigned Normal Should we add scaling (as opposed to binning) in makestack: box size divided by bin size is a float in makestack Neil Voss Neil Voss 05/16/2017 09:24 PM Actions
4912 Appion Bug New Normal tCTF only transfers CTF informatio to most recent file William Rice 04/17/2017 08:25 AM Actions
4911 Leginon Feature New Normal Request to add warning to AlignZLP node if no Reference target has been set William Rice 04/17/2017 08:06 AM Actions
4905 Appion Feature Assigned Normal Create a minimal recon uploader to help keep track of reconstructions done outside of Appion. Neil Voss Neil Voss 09/05/2017 04:08 PM Actions
4904 Appion Bug In Test Normal FindEM produces artifacts when image dimensions have a large prime factor Neil Voss Bridget Carragher 04/14/2017 12:21 PM Actions
4902 Leginon Feature New Low request for tomography combo alternate/sequential scheme Gabriel Lander Anchi Cheng 04/13/2017 05:32 PM Actions
4900 Leginon Bug New Normal Installation using fails at mysqld step Ardean Leith 04/12/2017 12:08 PM Actions
4898 Leginon Bug Assigned Normal Alternate tilt scheme produces larger error than sequential and tracking failed between 30-40 degree on Krios but not Arctica Anchi Cheng Anchi Cheng 05/04/2017 11:45 AM Actions
4892 Appion Bug New Normal apDDStackMaker defaults to delete after rsync/compress Carl Negro Carl Negro 04/08/2017 12:01 PM Actions
4891 Appion Bug Assigned Normal FFT in redux of large micrographs is too slow Neil Voss Neil Voss 04/08/2017 11:53 AM Actions
4860 Appion Feature Assigned Immediate compress raw frames after running frame alignment or making gain/dark corrected frame stack Anchi Cheng Carl Negro 01/23/2018 06:17 PM Actions
4855 Appion Bug Assigned Normal Better support for helix number Neil Voss Neil Voss 05/23/2017 04:18 PM Actions
4852 Leginon Feature Assigned Normal Park microscope at high mag during auto nitrogen filling Anchi Cheng Anchi Cheng 03/22/2017 03:46 PM Actions
4849 Appion Feature New Normal Is implemented? Philip Baldwin Neil Voss 04/01/2017 04:57 PM Actions
4842 Appion Bug In Code Review Normal makestack with only boxfiles checked, produces no boxfiles Neil Voss Gabriel Lander 03/20/2017 12:36 PM Actions
4835 Appion Bug Assigned Normal How does Appion supply the defocus value to CTF estimation programs? Ed Eng Anchi Cheng 03/15/2017 02:22 PM Actions
4828 Leginon Bug In Test Normal Parking reset alpha tilt even though the acquisition is at a tilt during the acquisition Anchi Cheng Venkata Dandey 03/13/2017 09:05 PM Actions
4825 Appion Feature Assigned Normal Create CentOS 7 Docker container for running appion Neil Voss Neil Voss 03/10/2017 05:04 PM Actions
4817 Leginon Support New Normal Scipy 0.12 in Leginon Anchi Cheng Carl Negro 03/08/2017 11:02 AM Actions
(251-275/976) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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